
Wednesday, 17 April 2013

MUA £1 nail polish

I'm having a bit of a nail day today, can you tell? Ha!

Sooooo, as you all probably know, MUA sells £1 nail polish and they are excellent! I have every colour because at that price you can afford to and there isn't really that many shades.
But it wasn't until yesterday that I noticed they have changed the packaging, and they look the same as Essie! If you look at the bottom picture I have one next to an Essie.
I only picked two up as they were new shades and the only ones in the bottles.
The formula is still the same though and if I'm honest I love them more!

What do you think of the 'Big' change?

Thanks for reading!
E xxx


. said...

I thought they were Essie before reading the title, I never saw what they looked like before but will have a google :) love the plum noir colour x

Unknown said...

When I saw them on the stand I thought they were essie! Ah me too its my favourite out of all of them I think! Really opaque too! X